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AYAHUASCA PURE PASTE (Banisteriopsis caapi) 10gr at 1kg – 30X Extract Pure

AYAHUASCA PURE PASTE (Banisteriopsis caapi) 10gr at 1kg – 30X Extract Pure

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AYAHUASCA PURE PASTE (Banisteriopsis caapi) 10gr at 1kg – 30X Extract Pure

Ayahuasca Pure Paste, this paste was made with clean water only and freshly harvested Banisteriopsis Caapi Yellow. When the vine is used fresh the product is superior to when using dried vine. Together with local indigenous people we slow boil the Caapi  for many hours (3 times 8 hours). After each 8 hour increment, we filter the liquid and then boil down the clear liquid until a thick paste remains. This is the pure gold of this plant. You will love it. The paste can be dissolved in water.

NOTE: This product is paste Pure of Ayahuasca. This paste alone will have no effect, so it must first be mixed with its main activator: The Chacruna or Chaliponga. If you need the Pasta Mix prepared and ready (Ayahuasca + Chacruna + Chaliponga) We have it! Click here: Ayahuasca Mix Paste

Master Plant
Many tribes regard Banisteriopsis caapi also known as Ayahuasca as a plant of the gods. Known as a Master Plant Teacher, this giant woody vine grows in the lush Amazon rainforest of Peru and Brazil, with many curious characteristics and properties that have drawn worldwide attention. It belongs to the Malpighiaceae family and has been traditionally used by countless South American tribes inhibiting the Amazon for thousands of years. Known most commonly for its healing power, this vine is richly steeped in cultural mythology and tradition. Although it is revered internationally it is still considered to be a very mysterious plant, arguably one of the most fascinating and culturally rich plants on earth.

The vine possesses a rather distinct appearance, with a circular twisting shape that bears many branches and leaves. It has been recorded to grow on average of 40 ft in height! The leaves of the caapi are opposite, green, oval-shaped, pointed on the end and are smooth. The flowers are petite (12-14mm in diameter and 2.5-3mm long) with a white to pinkish colour when in full bloom. They are indeed a special and rare sight to see.  Small fan-like seeds are produced that are green in colour when fresh and fade to a brown when dried. It thrives in humus-rich and moist soil, with lots of water such as in warm tropical environments.

The deep brown stems are filled with various chemical constituents. Harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine are among a few, and are classified as harmala alkaloids and MAOI’s. Scientific analysis has identified the vines to constitute approximately 0.11-0.83% beta-carboline, with the majority being the harmaline and tetrahydroharmaline. The vine also contains several alkaloids.

Traditionally speaking and in some remote areas of the jungle today, a tea of the vine is decocted and used to treat a wide variety of illnesses. The decoction can also be massaged into the skin. Young Waorani boys have the powder blown into the lungs through a bird windpipe, and is said to give the child powerful lungs and the strength to become a great hunter.

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